Your life may be chaotic, but that shouldn't make you fearful for the future. You have all the weapons you need to taste success in the long run. A little inspiration, hard work, and unwavering faith can work wonders.

There is no need to fear the future. Do you find yourself among those people who worry that the future feels like a nightmare? Hey look, this isn't a monster you should be afraid of. You can lay a good foundation for its happiness before you even see it.

We cannot deny that the future is right in front of us, but we cannot see it either. If you really want to shape it the way you want, anything is possible. However, due to its unpredictability, most of us are afraid of what will happen tomorrow.

Today I want to share with you one or two simple reasons why you shouldn’t worry about tomorrow. In one of my previous articles, I explained some compelling reasons why everyone is thinking about the future.

Some people may feel doomed because of their current life situation. There seems to be no hope. If you are afraid of something that is not true, then I want you to start redesigning your mindset. Maybe you're hallucinating.

You see, the future is not here yet so why be afraid? I would like to reiterate that “fear is not real”. Oh yes! I'm serious about this. It's your mind that's sending you false signals about things we know aren't going to happen.

Why are people afraid of the future???

Have you ever had that horrible feeling, a sharp, terrifying thought flashing like lightning through your brain? I guess you have.

This feeling reminds us that there is unfinished business. Don't panic. Just review your daily life and future goals. Modify them. Stay focused and motivated in life. Check out these reasons why your brain is suffering, and you are living a life of despair.

1. Constant failure

Some people fear the future because of constant failures. Well, things don't always go the way they expect. Because of this, they begin to lose hope. This is a serious mistake that many people make and ruin their lives.

Nothing seems to be working out, so their last resort is to "give up!" They forget that every failure is a shift toward their current goal. Thomas Edison, known as the inventor of the light bulb, is said to have failed 1,000 times.

He finally achieved his goal. When he experienced constant failure, he was not afraid. Try and try again until you succeed. This requires resilience. 

2. Lack of motivation

This is another reason why people fear the future (lack of brain power). Motivation is crucial to developing a successful lifestyle, career, business, etc. Even if no one can motivate you, developing self-motivation skills can help you face an unknown future with confidence.

3. Influential Thoughts

I know some people are easily convinced by their friends and people who have had negative experiences trying to achieve similar goals. If your inner circle is full of deniers, it’s time to purge them.

Suppose you plan to start a business in direct selling, microfinance, e-commerce, retail, etc. A friend comes to you and says he tried it but found it worthless. So, you shouldn't go any further.

At the same time, you are passionate about your creative ideas. People often forget that they have unique abilities that make them different from others. You must free them.

Why would you give up just because someone tried and failed? My friend, listen to that little voice in your head called "conscience." If you believe you can do it, you're already one step ahead.

Acknowledge a simple fact: While your friends are struggling, others are succeeding in the same career you want to pursue. They are the right people you should follow and draw inspiration from their actions.

4. Lack of confidence

To the Christian brothers, without faith, you are not a good Christian. If you claim you have faith, why should you fear the future? You have zero reason to justify your stupid idea. Faith will open your eyes to how to stop worrying about the future.

You just must put your future in the hands of the Lord because He already has plans for you to prosper. Let tomorrow worry itself.

"So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have its worries. Today you have enough troubles as it is" (Matthew 6:34).

God has said many times in the Bible, do not be afraid, for He is with you.

5. Bad memories

Personal experiences that happened in the past may dispel every hope you had. For example, when your breadwinner is unable to provide for you or dies unexpectedly.

Don't be afraid of the future.

Likewise, a person who has been raped. Trauma can haunt victims for years. The past is indeed gone, but if you continue to absorb it; it will also continue to scare you like a monster.

“Don’t let past memories limit your future potential. There are no limits to what you can achieve in your life’s journey, except in your mind.”

— Roy T. Bennett

6. Negative mentality

You shouldn't be surprised why some people are always afraid of the future for no reason. Most likely - this idea was programmed into their subconscious when they were children.

This has become an integral part of their lives. For example, a person born into poverty may believe that his future is destined to be trapped in a cycle of poverty.

Unless such a person breaks out of that negative mindset; he will always be afraid of the future and may not be able to make it better.

Finally few words, I would like to add: that the world is full of scammers who promise to make your life easy. Realize. True success doesn't happen overnight. So please allow me to take a moment to wish you all the best for the future.

Don't trust unscrupulous people who want to take advantage of you. Willing to work hard for a successful future. The reward for your time, pain, and suffering will be huge!

Again, never think of consulting a spirit medium to reveal your future to you. This is what the Lord hates.

Put in the work, trust your instincts, and let God take care of everything. Worry no more because you're well covered. See you in the future with a bright smile. You can succeed in anything.


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